Keep Calm and Doodle On
Katie Flowers Katie Flowers

Keep Calm and Doodle On

Doodling is word often associated with distraction time wasting and lack of focus when it fact it is exactly the opposite! Much research is now available on the topic of how doodling impacts our thinking, our creativity and how it can effect how we feel.

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May Good Health be with you!
Katie Flowers Katie Flowers

May Good Health be with you!

We have all been and are still in the storm, or a crucible of change and we are all watching the world and the planet shift before our very eyes. Radical acceptance has been required. We have all been and are still in the storm, or a crucible of change and we are all watching the world and the planet shift before our very eyes. Radical acceptance has been required. In Hong Kong we are cautiously putting our toes back into the waters of “ normality” as government workers and schools prepare to return. There is an out breath going on…..

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Silver Linings: Community & Emotional Health
Katie Flowers Katie Flowers

Silver Linings: Community & Emotional Health

Since our last news letter we have all had to adapt to the many challenges and changes in our lives. I can’t help feeling that NOW more than ever is a time to offer inspiration and creative opportunities as we navigate our way forwards and adapt to new life routines. Here in Hong Kong we are knee deep into those new routines, students have not been to school for 10 weeks and while I see a certain resignation around me I am also seeing so much resilience and innovation alongside the stress, it is really quite amazing!

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Communities of Connection
Katie Flowers Katie Flowers

Communities of Connection

So often on these pages I am talking to you about the benefits of art-making and how it helps us to heal, destress and to gain isights. Since the outbreak of the Corona virus in Hong Kong, the number of people attending workshops at the Wild at Art Studio has increased as people are struggling with isolation at home, as schools and government offices remain closed and despite people being urged to work from home and avoid public transport.

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Keep Calm and Carry On
Katie Flowers Katie Flowers

Keep Calm and Carry On

No matter where you are in the world, you will have heard the news of the Coronavirus outbreak which began in China and which is now filtering into other destinations as we speak. I am now living in a city, which has closed all schools, government offices, banks, borders and is urging us all to work from home if we can. Consequently Social Media is overflowing with chats about whether to stay here or leave, whether to wear a mask or not and whether what we read is even true. Anxiety is around every corner.

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