Communities of Connection

So often on these pages I am talking to you about the benefits of art-making and how it helps us to heal, destress and to gain isights.  Since the outbreak of the Corona virus in Hong Kong, the number of people attending workshops at the Wild at Art Studio has increased as people are struggling with isolation at home, as schools and government offices remain closed and despite people being urged to work from home and avoid public transport.


Many mums and dads are finding it incredibly challenging to be at home whilst doing their own job AND supervising the home learning of their children of various ages ( while all parties use the wifi and internet at the same time).  Teachers are up to their ears in devising new strategies with which to deliver complex curriculum topics through all sorts of new technological pathways. Teachers are gregarious people, no one likes being stuck at home !! So this last two weeks, people have been attending art classes and sharing their stories and challenges as we all recalibrate to this situation and cope with the uncertainties and drama's of each day.


Destress Doodle attendance numbers have increased and people are actually thrilled to go home with a hands on project which they can continue and share in our Doodle Whats App group. This has become a mini platform for support and a stress outlet for all.


Journaling numbers have also increased and we have shifted times to accommodate the new found schedules that people have, they usually arrive very relieved to be receiving a hug,  human contact and the gift of time for self care.  Saturday workshops have all been full as people are giving themselves the gift of a "time out" from the family or their small home or technological world. I hear relived chatter as people allow themselves to reconnect to the community here at the studio and also as they reconnect to themselves through their art making. Sometimes there is chit chat but often complete silence as people settle into their flow state with palpable relief and calm. 


So as we transition into March, the weather gets warmer and people settle back into another week of home learning, mask wearing and strange runs on shopping items. We will continue to make art and carry on, to reach out and to connect, to comfort and encourage to each other and wash our hands! 


Silver Linings: Community & Emotional Health


Keep Calm and Carry On