Summer Creativity

Doesn’t it feel as if we are cautiously yet calmly transitioning into summer here in Hong Kong. The schools have pretty much just gone back on full timetable and the holidays are right around the corner. Many people are choosing to stay in HK for the summer as the prospect of 3 weeks quarantine with children is challenging to say the least. I can’t help but notice how much people are appreciating the great gifts of this lovely landscape and city now that we are all here for the duration. People are finding new ways to discover hidden corners of Hong Kong and also finding ways to discover their own hidden interests and hobbies. Here at the Wild at Art Studio I have been busy creating Summer Creative opportunities for children and adults,

Take a peek at our new on the Wild at Art website, for more information!

 Katie’s Contemplations 

Artistic creativity is primarily a force of health and well-being. Connecting with your own creative energy through artmaking is a gentle yet powerful way to practice self-care.

These are just some of the ways that I observe this happening for you:

  • You find yourself accessing your flow state and time just flies…..

  • You find a practice that is accessible and offers your healthy ways to be calmer

  • You discover new ways to express yourself with colour, collage and images

  • You find new ways to say new things!

  • You realise that you have woken up your visual sense in everyday life and are noticing so much more.

I am always excited by how many of you are eager to process, understand and shape your own life through art. Last week at the Art Journaling Open Evening some members of the weekly journal group shared their journals and practice with people who had come to find out more. It was amazing to me to listen to everyone describing their own transformation journey into this accessible mixed media art form.

I knew art journaling worked for me but I am beyond thrilled that my little hobby of creating art inside a book is shared with so many and has become a vital self care practice. My Art Journals take many forms and contain many threads, they are keepers of memories, of dreams, ideas and schemes. A collection of experiments, tryouts, plans and musings..... They can be a way to treasure and savour some of the seemingly mundane moments in a day, which are actually often the most sacred. They can be a place to scribble, stamp and shout! 

These pages here have been created by people in the "Find your Voice" introduction to Art Journaling course in which we begin by making a handmade book. 


Why do we doodle?


Magic is a Group of Women Creating