Looking at You, 2022
Christmas is coming, my favourite season and it is a joy to feel a little freer to mingle and celebrate this year. We are bringing the spirit of Xmas into the studio now, thanks to Susan Duffy who brought us her fabulous Dotty Decorations workshop on Saturday, a few more Xmas Spirited workshops yet to come!
Katie’s Contemplations
Has 2021 felt like a whirlwind year for you too? Swerves and changes, goodbyes and regroups, school off and then school back on! This year has been very varied for us at WAA, marked by the wonderful support of all the Hong Kong adults, teens and children who have created here at the art table!
I am very proud to say that I finally had the courage to bring a very personal passion project into the light, my Storyteller Oracle cards are making their way around the world through the post and in your hands ! I am so loving the photos of you with your cards and your reflections about the cards that you find and work with each day. Thank you, it is a really treat to see how my images are touching a chord in people and there is such resonance with the colours, symbols and pictures. Thank you everyone. (Click the link here in case you would like our wonderful postmeister Christie to get a set over to you wherever you are in the world!)
So with a new year come new goals, new dreams and new visions. Each year in January here at the studio, we make and create our new Goals, Dreams, and Wishes for the year ahead in the form of our Vision Boards. Through a day of reflection and pondering I encourage you all to look back and revisit the ups and downs of the year before we move in next steps. What were the challenges and gifts of 2021? What might we hope for and envision anew for 2022.
The gift of the Vision Board is its living breathing presence in your life, and I truly appreciate it when you all bring your boards from the year before and share your stories of realisations and revelations. Let's tend our living, breathing dreams for the year ahead.
See you at the Art Table