Christmas Is Coming!

We draw a little closer to the Christmas Season, people are singing in choirs, attending pantos and life is sooooooo much more like a version of normal there in Hong Kong than it was this time last year. I am very grateful for that, last year I was concerned about the smell of mulled wine in the Wild at Art Studio making the neighbours think we were having large illegal gatherings…………..this year we CAN have classes and workshops for Xmas hurray! 

 Katie’s Contemplations 

So it would seem that almost 100 Storyteller Oracle Decks have traveled to Hong Kong, Canada, UK, France, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Ireland so far! I am very excited that there is so much interest in these special cards. Most of all I want to thank you all for sending me your delighted emails, photos and images upon receiving your cards.

Most of all I appreciate the stories that you tell me via Whatsapp and Facebook nearly every day! The insights and the interactions are precious and I am really profoundly moved that these images on the cards are offering so many opportunities for your guidance, inquiry and solace especially if you are in quarantine somewhere! I appreciate how people might draw a card a day, or 3 cards per day, some are using them to tell stories in groups, many of your are journaling and some have made response art.

The goal of these cards is offer you ways to explore your own story and seek your own guidance and your responses are all testament to your very own great wisdom. Also thank you to those of you who are using the cards with your own groups Christy Demetrio, Joanne Vanin and Elaine. Keep sending me your Oracle Stories. I do truly treasure YOU!

There is now a diving deeper booklet available on the Wild at Art Studio website, you can download it or read it on your phone:

Be sure to join one of our Oracle Circles in 2022. 

The Wild at Art Shop is open for Xmas too!

You can buy your Storyteller Oracle Cards here:

Your Wild at Art Sketchbooks here:

Your Wild at Art Vouchers for classes here:

See you at the Art Table in 2022!


Cocoon Time


Looking at You, 2022