Cocoon Time
Dear Wild at Art Family
As you know, I love meeting you at the Art Table and a tremendous amount of work goes into each and every workshop, retreat, class and course at the studio. I aim to provide mindful experiences and try to make sure that the way I plan helps you to access your own voice and artmaking. This takes thought, care, time, planning and quite a lot of writing and also artmaking of my own ! Sometimes the actual workshop is the top of the iceberg that you can see above the water, the preparation is the giant piece under the water and since many of you work in education you will recognise this ! I tell you this to explain why workshops at the Wild at Art Studio will be on pause until our first Vision Board workshop on Saturday January 8th. I know that you look forward to weekly meetups and await those with excitement, so I wanted to explain.
Katie’s Contemplations
Winter is also a time of reflection and contemplation, so many animals go underground or into their cave at this time. Here in my home of Lamma Island, Hong Kong there are many resident snakes, we rarely see them at this time since they go into a state called brumation where they become less active and their metabolism slows down. The natural world is full of the ways creatures take a purposeful break. I like to call these breaks Cocoon Time, to me this means that I spend time on my island, in my home studio, developing ideas, creating what’s next. The pause allows some space for me to feed my own creative soul, and work on artwork for us all. I also look back on the classes, events, and experiences of the year. I look at what was energising for you and for me, look at what classes, retreats and events you liked and responded to. I create my own Vision Board which helps me articulate my purpose for the year ahead. This process of reflection and visioning then leads to ideas, art making, and testing ideas for the following year's classes and retreats. It's a rich process, and it deserves time and space
Thank you for your understanding and Happy New Year Everyone