New Year Visions

A very Happy New Year for 2022! I have loved spending time on my own Vision Board this week and starting the January workshops with various Vision Board groups. I look forward to creating with more of you over the next 2 weeks. We are now in the “in-between'' weeks here in Hong Kong as we look ahead to the Lunar New Year. This may also occur in your locality as many Chinese communities around the world will celebrate the start of the year of the TIGER!  In the spirit of Chinese Festivals and our city of Hong Kong I invite you to join one of the themed workshops below to help you create your own visual celebrations!

 Katie’s Contemplations 

Marking the passage of time is so deeply important to us as a human race that we have developed a huge range of rituals and habits around that. Closing up the previous year, happens in our Vision Board workshops as we contemplate the high’s lows, questions and takeaways from the year gone by. 2021 was not our easiest and responses have been complex. People brought along last year’s Boards and shared stories of intuition, serendipity, coincidence,  fate and magic….. reviewing these means people make all kinds of connections with their last year's intentions. 

To me, these visuals are testament to our human spirit. There are forces surrounding our lives that we cannot control at the moment, however as I said last week, we can choose how we respond and react,  we can choose our conversation around the topic and we can choose how much to read each day. 

If you are experiencing some overwhelm and finding hope somewhat elusive at this time,  it's completely understandable. You can use your artmaking to help soothe strong emotions, to scribble out some anger, to take you into your flow state and give your mind a rest, and to seek out some words of comfort or hope.

Stay strong my friends, keep your visions alive and your spirit true. Thank you dear Vision Boarders for your determination to be positive!


Eye of the Tiger


Cocoon Time