Special WAA Guests

Welcome to a hot and rainy August ! The rain has been a long time coming but here it is! People have been enjoying amazing trips around the world and are slowly returning to Hong Kong to resume life and work. Meanwhile, it’s been a gentle summer and the studio has been full of children making a variety of visits and attending classes. I have had a lovely time with everyone who joined!

 Katie’s Contemplations 

One of my deeply held beliefs is that we are all immensely creative beings and that we just need to find our own access point, for some that is drawing, for some it is cutting and sticking! and others love to paint and make a big old mess! The Wild at Art Studio is a community space not just for my Creative Offerings but for many other Art Teachers and Art Therapists alike which means that I can bring a whole range of Art Workshops to help you find your way back to art making. There are so many artmaking teachers here in Hong Kong. I am happy to present to you a few of our upcoming workshops, all of them work for adults, teens and tweens. Let me introduce some of our Autumn Guest Creatives.


Many of you already know Adele Frankle who teaches art classes in Hong Lok Yuen, she is a multi talented artist who brings her wonderful craft afternoons to the studio. These are one off opportunities to learn a new skill and create an art piece all in one sitting! Adele is offering a Cross Stitch workshop this coming weekend, perfect for a rainy day, see in the events below. She will also offer a delightful painting workshop in September where you will be able to paint your very own Folk Art Tray. These trays are exquisite and perfect for Tea for Two moments (or something fizzier perhaps!) and by popular demand, she is repeating the Blue Porcelain Stamping workshop as well in September, so do sign up for that as it is filling up fast.


I am thrilled to introduce Lucy Parris to the studio as so many of you have asked me over the years about Sketching and Watercolour workshops and now here is Lucy whose artistic superpowers include both of those and printmaking too! Lucy will be offering weekly courses starting out with Sketch Hong Kong in September. This 4 x week evening class gives you an opportunity to build your skills and find out what you like to sketch and draw. See the event below to sign up. She will be following this up with further drawing courses, watercolour painting and maybe if we are lucky with a printmaking class as well.


Who needs no introduction really! So many of you have attended her famous Botanical Drawing classes and her enchanting Hong Kong Folk Art Collage workshops. This autumn by popular demand  Claire will be offering the Folk Art Canvas workshop once again, hurray! You can create your own playful rendition of bold and playful Chinese folk art motifs on a canvas.  Sign up via the event below. Then watch this space for her Gelli Plate Printing workshop too which is also playful and a very accessible way to learn about printing with stencils and natural objects ( perfect for teachers).

Sue, Hoi Lam and Rachel

We have other amazing teachers joining in October and November too, here’s a taster! Some of you know Sue Whitney, famous for her collaged furniture and mailboxes, who will be offering decoupage workshops, many of you love Hoi Lam’s felting workshops and she is offering Needle Felting this time, watch this space. Well known paper artist  Rachel Smith will be teaching us all how to make paint pigments, very exciting and I will continue to run the Doodling, Journaling and Sewing workshops in Central as well as Oracle Card events and Art and Nature workshops on Lamma Island. 



Summer Artiness