Creative Sanctuary
I have just had the great joy of some much needed Rest, Relaxation and Restoration in the shape of a lovely staycation with Mr S and some slower admin days at home in Wild at Art, Pak Kok. So very much overdue and all I can say is that I had literally lost touch with how vital days on a beach or by a pool are to my senses, my creative energy and my body!
A staycation can be many things and what I have loved is the sense of cocoon or sanctuary of being somewhere else, out of the work and home environment. My lovely harbour view room was a haven where I felt myself coming back to life and actually slowing down. I needed that to reconnect with my creative muse, to bring forth energy from the well within. Sanctuary is not just a realm where things are safe, it's a place which gives us the opportunity to slow down and get quiet enough to explore everything and anything in our bodies, minds and hearts with some courageous curiosity.
I know that the Wild at Art Studio offers Creative Sanctuary for many of you reading this, which I truly treasure. With that, I invite you to come and join me for a whole weekend of Sacred Creative Sanctuary for a very special Art Retreat weekend. You will be held in a container of nurture and creative encouragement for 2½ days to dive deep into your own wisdom and creative process to create your very own Oracle Cards.
These are some of my very own Handmade Oracle Cards which are very precious to me and created over time in response to my own intuitive guidance, research and my own studies of decks and cards over time. As an art therapist my work centres around helping you to read and take meaning from the visual expressions that you create, therefore creating YOUR own Oracle cards is about giving yourself some insight and guidance whilst helping to discover a way to your very own inner wisdom.